If you ever have any queries related to the hosting service or you experience a problem with your sites, you’ll have to touch base with the web hosting provider’s technical support team. It may not make a difference how quickly they’ll answer if you have a general enquiry, but a problem like an unsuccessful application update, for example, may lead to your site becoming damaged or invisible online. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to lend you a hand, the longer the website will be down. If you offer goods or services online, any outage will unfavorably affect your site and you may lose current or potential customers. A lot of web hosting providers, chiefly resellers, handle e-mails and trouble tickets within twenty four hours, but in the e-world that is far too long, as visitors will rarely return to a site that isn’t functioning correctly for an extended stretch of time.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting

With a shared website hosting from us, you can just forget about waiting around for hours, or even one whole day, to get a reply to an e-mail or a helpdesk ticket. Regardless of when you touch base with us, we’ll lend you a hand within less than 1 hour with any sales or technical queries you may have. In reality, our real response time hardly ever surpasses 20 to 30 minutes. Since we’re working 24x7, you will always get help in a timely manner and we understand how essential that is in the online world. As soon as you contact us, we will answer your questions. If you come across any technical predicament, we’ll rectify it on your behalf, or we’ll give you all the needed information in case there is something that you need to do on your end.