When you buy a brand new hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is made and as automated as the whole process may be, there're always some things which are conducted personally. For every virtual or a dedicated server there're even more things to be done as these kinds of website hosting often need a manual assembly, software installation & configuration, testing the server environment in order to ensure that everything's working the way it should, and so on. To cover the expenses for the time and efforts all these things take, a lot of companies call for a one-time installation charge to be paid by their customers in addition to the price for the shared website hosting. The fee often applies to every new hosting account being purchased and it's very rarely mentioned on the company’s site, still it shows up on the checkout page.

Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting

If you get a shared website hosting package from us, you'll never need to pay any setup fees. In fact, we do not have other concealed charges of any type either. We appreciate each and every customer and it is our principle that when you get any sort of plan through us, you shouldn't pay anything else than the charge for your hosting package. You won't discover any concealed fees after or before your purchase, which will show you that we are a reliable and trustworthy supplier. The cost of your brand new shared hosting package is the same everywhere on our web site - the front page, the order as well as the payment pages. Since we also have instant account activation, you won't need to wait for hours or even days to be able to start creating your website.